Angels Teaching


 Definition of angels and angelology, for free spirits with a vision  beyond common belief systems
A clear glossary for humans living in the 21st century

Practical Angelology
Practical Kabalah
Guardian Angel – Birth Angel
Group Guardian Angel
Personal guardian angel
Chosen special Angel

Angelology: knowledge regarding Angels, their supra-human nature, their Names, their activities on and beyond Earth. Part of the knowledge is drawn from ancient books, part is received through direct inspiration from Angels themselves.

Practical Angelology: knowledge about Angels put to work – i.e. invocations to Angels, Guardian Angels, to establish a reciprocal Human-Angels relationship . When the Name of an Angel is known, through Angelology, personalized  -invocations can be made and requests be gracefully granted.

Kabala: knowledge issued from the study of hidden meanings and superior spiritual energies enclosed in each Letter of the Alphabet (mostly but not limited to Hebrew). Once decoded, words are revealing meanings and “powers” at various levels, material, mental and spiritual.

Practical Kabala: knowledge about Alphabet Letters put to work! By example, the specific “powers” included in Angels’ Names of is a strong indication of the special nature and personality of each Angel. Also, invocations are more accurate and more powerful when the words are chosen in accordance with Kabala knowledge. Guardian Angel – Birth Angel:  At the moment of birth on Earth every human is instantly under care of an angel, a spiritually superior being, generally called Guardian Angel or more precisely “Birth Angel”. Angelology, traditional and modern, teaches the name of each Angel ministering all the births occurring during a period of 5 days of the year, “since the earliest times of human intelligence”.


You can LEARN the Name of the Angel ministering on Earth on the Day of your Birth by downloading NOW a FULL  Angel Chapter,
of the reference Angel book ANGEL SIGNS
a Celestial Guide to the Powers of Your Personal Guardian Angel
(Authors Simha Seraya & Albert Haldane)

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Group Guardian Angel: as angels are assigned to minister to individuals born during the same period, it is evident that multitudes benefit at the same time from the care of a single guardian angel.  Far for being a cause for doubt, this fact is a clear indication of the superior abilities of angels, unequaled by humans: ubiquity (presence everywhere at once), wide-ranging consciousness, universal cosmic connections, mental and spiritual power without corporal limitations.
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Some people at first express some disappointment at the thought of being treated as part of a group when learning that their guardian

is taking charge of so many other individuals simultaneously!  Nevertheless, this celestial group guardianship is real, continuous, efficient and truly individualized. (see next Paragraph titled Personal guardian angel)

Personal guardian angel: your Birth Guardian Angel kindly helps you from the first moments of your life, guiding your first steps safely on the path of personality development. Whichever level you start at, whatever the surroundings of your birth, your time assigned guardian angel will devotedly show you the best ways toward emotional harmony, mental acuity and spiritual enlightenment.

Thereafter, in accordance with your progress in intelligence, spirituality and cosmic consciousness, your birth angel may refer your “evolving soul” to another angelic being, willing to accept to become your Personal Guardian Angel for the remaining of your life.

Clearly this new and valuable celestial relationship is conditional to your past and present efforts toward personality betterment, including heartfelt recognition of the beneficial help of your birth angel in conceiving purposes and achieving your goals.

Chosen special Angel: Angelology teaches that it is possible to call on a special angel and call for help to attain specific goals.  At least 72 angels are known by name; deciphering the meanings enclosed in each angelic name leads to the knowledge of the distinctive special abilities bestowed by each angel.

Practical angelology provides the necessary knowledge and means to identify – and effectively associate with -the celestial angel most capable of helping you improve a particular situation, solve problems, activate latent abilities and talents to the effect of achieving complete success in your Life.

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Instructive Quotes- Angels defining Angels, extracted from The Urantia Book:

Seraphim are the traditional angels of heaven; they are the ministering spirits who live so near you and do so much for you. They have ministered on Urantia (Hebrew Eretz – English Earth) since the earliest times of human intelligence”  

“The angels develop an abiding affection for their human associates, and you would, if you could only visualize the seraphim, develop a warm affection for them.”

Seraphim function as teachers of men by guiding the footsteps of the human personality into paths of new and progressive experience.”

Angels do not invade the sanctity of the human mind, they do not manipulate the will of mortals /……/. The guardian of destiny influences you in every possible manner consistent with the dignity of your personality; under no circumstances do these angels interfere with the free action of the human will. Neither angels nor any other order of universe personality have power or authority to curtail or abridge the prerogatives of human choosing.”

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