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Each Angel FULL CHAPTER provides:
1-First you will learn the EXACT NAME of your Guardian ANGEL – Birth Angel
(Based on the day you were born) – That Exact name, RESTORED , is to be found only on this website and book Angel Signs-.which is the Result of extensive research and linguistic discoveries by the authors Simha Seraya & Albert Haldane – authors of the reference angel book Angel Signs).
2- Furthermore, you will find a wide ranging account of the Mental and Spiritual Powers bestowed by your Guardian Angel to you at the time of your birth.
(This is a real value knowledge, because those Powers and Qualities are your real assets in life on Earth, the deep source of your mental and spiritual energies. They are re-activated each time you evoke the EXACT NAME of your celestial Guardian Angel).
3- Also, you shall be provided with a guide to Phonetic Pronunciation of your Angel’s EXACT NAME
(This is Indispensable for your powerful Evocation and Invocations).
(Downloading the corresponding Chant mp3 is a great helpful complement to exact pronunciation-evocation of the angel’s name)
4- Moreover, you will experience the Power of the Universal Resonance of the Angel’s EXACT NAME
(A stream of meanings-energies enclosed in each consonant- letter is activated when you pronounce the name of your Angel).
With the help of your guardian Angel, you will truly “know thyself”, and find sure orientation to successfully direct the course of your life.
5- Plus, a list of the colors in harmony with your Guardian Angel.
(The language of colors applied to communication with the angelic realm).
6- Plus, a selection of notable people born under your Angel’s favorable influence.
(Persons, acting in the fields of arts, sciences, entertainment, education who maintained or maintain close relationship with their Guardian Angel).
7- Finally, a powerful poetic invocation to your Guardian Angel, reflecting the true meaning of the Angel’s NAME.
A powerful Antidote to common Fear of Death.
(Soon you shall compose your own invocations…with your Angel’s help!).
Each Angel Chapter is an extract from the reference book Angels Signs,
a Celestial Guide to the Powers of Your Own Guardian Angel.
Authors: Albert Haldane & Simha Seraya
Manakael MasterWorks Publisher.
Acquire the Corresponding ANGEL CHANT mp3Learn what you will HEAR in Your angel Chant |
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