Angels’ interaction with souls during life between lives

Two Angels One Heart

About reincarnating Souls and Memory of previous incarnations

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The situation in the 21st Century on Earth

No doubt, souls incarnating in human bodies at the present stage of mental and spiritual development on Earth, retain in their memories more of the knowledge acquired “after death” during their previous sojourn in the “celestial realm”.

The usually described effects of imposed or accepted amnesia at time of re-incarnation seem to be less deleterious than in the past. We posit that the necessity of total amnesia of previous lives, including life between lives,  before commencing a new experience in the physical world has been discussed, argued, and finally adjudicated by the High Spirit Masters to be presently ineffective (i.e an impediment to the accomplishment of specific missions) in certain cases.

Benefits of recalling past life experiences and life between lives.

In particular, the soul’s enrichment drawn from contacts and interactions with multiple “non-incarnated”, beings including Angels, is so evidently beneficial that the strict amnesia of so deep experiences is not to be recommended anymore.

Hence the larger recognition by an increasing number of human beings on Earth of a “life between lives” and of the existence of Guardian Angels.

The authors  of the reference book Angel Signs wish to provide in the website some hints and clues to those alleged “lost souls” who are still succumbing to the effects of  traditionally imposed rebirth amnesia.

They wish that the reading of a few sentences or pages on this site will activate the memory of those souls, and, if no specific necessity prevents them to revive memories of their own life between lives, they will benefit from the surge of joy, enthusiasm, and sheer spiritual energies born from remembrance of profound knowledge and enriching experiences gained in the “celestial worlds”.


More knowledge about Angels and Guardian Angels.
Rudolf Steiner’ contribution on the topic deserves attention.