The Sacred Ten Commandments – Discovery voyage on the Wings of Angels

The Sacred Ten a captivating philosophical novel
Complete Version Book1 & Book 2
The Quest for Truth & Quantum Leaps to Paradise
468 pages
ISBN 13: 9780983710


The Sacred Ten will progressively immerse your mind in the cosmic ocean of Universal Language; when you emerge, all words you utter in your daily life shall deliver new extraordinary lively meanings, and for your “initiated” emboldened consciousness, your own life shall have an entirely new meaning and purpose.

Two spiritual travelers set out to uncover the greatest mysteries of all time.
The tale begins as the authors summon angel Yeliyael to help traverse history, time and space to visit historical sages to guide them on the path of discovery.
Meeting up with great philosophical minds such as Moses, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Rabbi Yohanan Ben Zakai, Benjamin Franklin and many others, they receive guidance to decipher the true nature and meaning of “The Ten Commandments,” uncovering a complex series of coded messages in the text that could change the meaning of life as we understand it.

Trying to uncover a deeper meaning in spiritual ancient texts such as “The Ten Commandments” has led many scholars on an adventure of the soul and mind; after meeting at Paris’ Sorbonne University more than 30 years ago, authors Seraya and Haldane (Angel Signs, 2002) undertook such a quest. In their new book, they use their     vast collective expertise to craft a captivating story tracing a linear thread from “The Ten Commandments” across all belief systems, science     and metaphysics. The result: an exciting journal recounting extraordinary adventures spiced with advanced philosophical and spiritual knowledge, and linguistic discoveries of crucial import. 

Throughout     the book, a daring deciphering of the  Biblical Ten Commandments  reveals profound answers to fundamental human questioning: Death, Life after Death, Gods, Demons, Origin and Future of Humanity, Conflicts and Harmony,

Diversity and Unity, Free Will, Destiny, Providence, Liberty and more. And yes, those ancient sages – among them Lao Tzu, Buddha, Benjamin Franklin – who willingly participate in the Sacred Ten saga confirm and clearly demonstrate there existed and exists, today, a Universal Language, the source of all tongues on Earth.     

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MeAbout the Authors

 Simha Seraya, a gifted psychic,  inspirational mentor and angelologist is a Graduate of Paris  Sorbonne  University, major in Psychology and Sociology. Fluent in English, French, Hebrew and Classical Arabic, she is also a long-time dedicated researcher and discoverer of the fundamental linguistic components and elements  constitutive of all languages, ancient and modern.  She lives, writes and paints in New York and Florida.

Contact: e-mail:

Albert Haldane, is a published cosmic poetry (in French) author and philosopher-metaphysician. Continuing his classical education in ancient Greek and Latin, he graduated at Paris Sorbonne University, Master in Hellenistic and Renaissance Philosophy. Assiduous meta-ethicist, hermeneutist and futurologist Albert lives and writes in New York and Florida.

Contact  e-mail:




Simha Seraya and Albert Haldane are also the authors and participants to the saga recorded  on the book titled:
for the benefit of the the 21st Century citizens of the Universe.

Meeting up with great philosophical minds such as Moses, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Benjamin Franklin and many others, they receive guidance to decipher the true nature and meaning of “The Ten Commandments,” uncovering a complex series of coded messages in the text that could change the meaning of life as we understand it. In spite of the complex, heady nature of this tome, it makes for a smooth read.” Kirkus Review