more Guardian Angels’ Exact Names

Two Guardian Angels - One HearthThis page displays an extended list of Guardian Angels’ Names.
The Exact Names as extracted from Hebraic Torah.
The Approximate Eroded Names are displayed in popular literature and the Internet.


Exact Angel Name
= Strong Signal

Each exact Name is always composed of 3 syllables (not counting the final EL or YAH)  The eroded names often have lost more than 1 syllable. Therefore their capacity to “Call an Angel” is weakened, if not annihilated.

Inexact Eroded Angel Name
= Weak Signal



 Restored  Exact
Angels’ Names
3 Consonants + EL or YAH
 Common Eroded
Inexact Names
ANaVaEL Anuel
YeHeHaEL Hiahhel
YeYaLaEL Yeyalel
YeYiYaEL Hieiayel
HaRaHaEL Harael
MeLaHaEL Melahel
MiTsaRaEL Mitzrael
HeHaViYah Haheuiah
VaMaBaEL Umabel
YeRaThaEL Yerathel
ReYiYaEL Reyiel
OVaMaEL Omael
NiThHaYah  Nithahaiah
HeAAYah  Haaiah
MeHeYaEL  Mehiel 
SeAHeYah  Seheiah
DaMaBiYah  Damabiah
MaNaQuaEL Manakel
AYaHaEL  Ayael 
 LeCaBaEl  Lekabel
VaSaRiYah  Vasariah
HaBoViYah   Habuhiah    
RoAHaEL   Rahael  
YeHoViYah  Yehuyah
YaBaMiYah Yabamiah
LeHaHiYah  Lehahiah
HaYeYaEL  Hahael
ChaVaQuiYah Khavaquiah
MoVaMiYah  Mumiah  
 MeNaDaEL  Menadel
 ANiYaEL Aniel

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