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Simha  Seraya, writer, teacher,  is also known as a brilliant and friendly Holistic Harmonic Angelogist. 
To meet her for personal counseling in times of Crises, Conflicts and Changes go to:

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For current SEMINARS and ONE ON ONE teaching conducted by Simha Seraya with Albert Haldane, click here

Bonjour, I am Simha Seraya

Under the protection of Angel ACHA-A-YAH,
  I was born and raised in Fez, Morocco,
 crossroad of Mediterranean cultures and languages. 
a city founded in 801 AD. 

At age 10,  I was speaking fluently 4 “mother tongues” :
French, Arabic, Spanish-Ladino, Hebrew. 
I started learning English at age 11.

1958 is the starting year of my academic education in Paris, France.

At the Universal Jewish School of Paris
 (Ecole Israelite Universelle de Paris- High School).
 I met with and was taught by the great Jewish masters
 of contemporary universal thinking :
 Emmanuel Levinas, Wladimir Jankelevitch, Andre Chouraki.
I received the Award for Best Student in Hebrew Language,
handled to me personally by Pierre. Mendes-France, then Prime Minister of France.

At Sorbonne University, Paris,
  I graduated  in  Liberal Arts, Literature and Psychology,
complementing traditional thinking
 with modern science concepts.
In 1969, I started an in depth research in Linguistics
leading to the discovery of  the meaning
 of the fundamental-celestial-roots of all human languages.
(elemental sounds, primeval syllables etc..)
with applications to all ancient texts - Sumero-Akkadian- Hebrew,
and all the modern languages of the world.

The book
A Celestial Guide to the Powers  of Your Own Guardian Angel

published in 2002 
is an exemplary application of the Archeo-linguistic  method 
to the study of guardian A
NGELS NAMESas encrypted in the Old Testament,
in order to decipher their deep meaning, spiritual value 
and universal significance.


1975 co-founder with Albert Haldane of CSI,
 Creative Systems Int'l Consultants, in Paris.
Areas of expertise:  prospective research and innovative visions,
 for the benefit of large international Companies and Advertising Agencies.

1982 Manhattan, New York is my permanent residence.
1985 Co-founder of CSI-Creations de France and New World Tapestries ltd,
 Vice President and Creative Director.  Creation of artistic Tapestries,
 interweaving in their designs old world traditions 
and new world visions.


Simha  Seraya is also known as a brilliant and friendly Holistic Harmonic Angelologist. 
 To meet her for personal counseling in times of Crises, Conflicts and Changes go to:

When Why Who     To Schedule     More about Simha     Referrals

_______archan7997@aol.com ________

Available in French, excerpts of Angelic Guidance © 1996-2007 Albert Haldane And Simha Sareoua

Extraits du manuscrit «Guidance Angélique » peuvent être obtenus.
Faites votre demande par courriel à archan7997@yahoo.com


            Most recent update: 07/05/2013   Most recent review: 07/05/2013     

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AngelSignsOnline.com Copyrights © 2010-2013 Albert Haldane Simha Seraya   
Update: 07/05/2013