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Selected speaker at WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS -  sponsored by LORD & TAYLOR - NEW YORK

Selected speaker at WFS-World Future Society, Futures Unlimited 2002, National Conference for her work titled: Conflict Re-solution through the emerging science of Eternal Harmonies.  

Writer co-author
of ANGEL SIGNS (with Albert Haldane), published in English by Harper Collins, currently translated in other languages.

Interview by Ron Hawk - Radio  MBS Mind Body Spirit Network 

Artistic achievements. “Woman of the Year 2002” by Home Accents Today Magazine.

Enthusiastic explorer
, she has sojourned in numerous countries, meeting and conversing with large number of peoples of various creed, men, women and children of the world. Those who met her face to face always remember her magnetic personality.

Teaching in seminars
or mentoring individuals Simha has offered beneficial holistic counseling, generated problem resolution, in France, Morocco, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Israel, Canada, Los Angeles and New York.

A spiritual seeker since early childhood Simha has been initiated to Jewish and Christian Kabala and ancient wisdom.

She is also a noted linguist and historian in the ancient tradition of Sumer and Akkad, Egypt, Tibet, China, Central America and Africa.   Basing her research on the theory of Universal Language, the science of the elemental sounds, Simha has developed NAMOSCOPY, a brilliant  decoding technique reveling the talents, virtues and specific energies built  in within all words, with special application to our given and family names.

Counseling     When Why Who     To Schedule     More about Simha    Referrals Copyrights © 2010-2013 Albert Haldane Simha Seraya   
Update: 07/05/2013