Holistic Harmonic Counseling

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   We are not human beings  having a spiritual experience. 

We are spiritual beings
 having a human experience."

P. Teilhard de Chardin 

Meet Simha Seraya,
 Holistic Harmonic Angelogist


"Together we shall resolve
 crises, conflicts and make changes
  work to your benefit."

Simha Seraya has dedicated 7 years completing her academic learning as Psychologist and Psycho-physiologist, followed by post academic research.  During 12 years devoted to helping, guiding and mentoring, Simha has pioneered and now fully developed a unique counseling technique best described as
                                      Holistic Harmonic Counseling.

Simha’s Holistic  technique combines age-old wisdom Kabala, our ancestral legacy, with modern sciences such as Psychology, archetypes, symbols and dreams analysis. “Simha’s counseling technique is a new breed unto itself; she is a Holistic Angelogist.  

Simha’s Harmonic unique counseling technique is rooted in and nourished by the laws of Eternal Harmony.  Their activation enables the powers of life, personal identity and love to emerge out of contrasts, oppositions, crises and conflicts.

  Simha Seraya is offering consultations in English, French and Hebrew. 

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AngelSignsOnline.com Copyrights © 2010-2013 Albert Haldane Simha Seraya   
Update: 07/05/2013